Friday, March 26, 2004
The art world and women
I attended a program at the J. B. Speed Art Museum in Louisville, tonight, which addressed the discrimination against women in the art world. I had always known that most of the "famous masters" whose works you see in museums are men, but never really thought that much about it, until tonight. There is a group of women, who've dubbed themselves the "Guerrilla Girls", whose mission is to raise the awareness of everyone concerning the lack of females recognized in art museums. They don masks resembling gorilla faces, to spice up the cause, and keep attention away from themselves, and on the program they present, which is funny, interesting, and eye-opening. Feminists they are, and they make light of the fact, while educating audiences with what women artists have to contribute. If you'd like to learn more about them, go here: Guerrilla Girls