Sunday, May 30, 2004
How's the weather lately?
That's a common question, sort of like "how've ya been?", for folks like myself, here in Louisville. Sometimes, I get the impression the faster paced coastal cities of the U.S. really just don't understand the question. To them, such a casual question does not register. They do not have time for such frivolous exchanges. When I ask how the weather is, that is a metaphor for "how's life treatin' ya?" Maybe even that is too obtuse and personal for someone whose lifestyle is so frenetic, there isn't much time to sit down and enjoy that $5 mocha from Starbucks.
If the weather is stormy where you live, go outside and get wet and enjoy it. If it's sunny, take the opportunity to ride your bike, if you have one, or take a walk. Whatever you do, take it easy.
If the weather is stormy where you live, go outside and get wet and enjoy it. If it's sunny, take the opportunity to ride your bike, if you have one, or take a walk. Whatever you do, take it easy.
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Summer already?
Temperatures in the mid-eighties, and nothing but sunny skies, have given things around here a distinctly "summerish" feel. I've had my bike out a few times this week, and am tempted to catch an evening cruise on the Belle of Louisville. The Belle is an old steamboat that still makes it's rounds on the river here, almost every night. Go to the Belle of Louisville's website for some interesting history on this boat.
I've had some new submissions to my Poets' Corner. I'll be adding a couple of new poems every few days, courtesy of my good friend, Patrick Vetter, from Germany.
Also, check out my latest "Site of the week". Geocaching is a sport that I'm thinking about getting involved with, and this week's link will tell you all about it. Check it out at Geocaching
I've had some new submissions to my Poets' Corner. I'll be adding a couple of new poems every few days, courtesy of my good friend, Patrick Vetter, from Germany.
Also, check out my latest "Site of the week". Geocaching is a sport that I'm thinking about getting involved with, and this week's link will tell you all about it. Check it out at Geocaching